Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi is celebrated as birthday of Lord Ganesha. The festivity of Ganesh Chaturthi ends after 10 days on Anant Chaturdashi which is also known as Ganesh Visarjan day. This year Ganesh Chaturthi is starting on September 17, 2015 and as usual will last for 10 days. Ganesha, one of the most beloved gods is known by 108 different names in our culture. He is considered to be a symbol of good fortune, wisdom, prosperity and wealth.
This festival not only involves prayers, but also takes in account the time for cultural activities like dancing, singing and theatre performances. A lot of community activities are also a part of the celebrations.
Celebrate this auspicious occasion by preparing these delicious dishes. Wish you a Happy and a Blessed Ganesh Chaturthi 2015!!
pages and don't miss any of my new recipes
Gond ke Laddu गोंद के लड्डू |
Moongdal Ki Burfi मूंगदाल की बर्फी |
Gujiya - Karanji |
Gajar ka Halwa | Carrot Halwa in Microwave गाजर का हलवा |
Til Ke Laddu | Sesame Candy तिल के लड्डू |
Til Ke Burfi | Sesame Seeds Burfi तिल की बर्फ़ी |
Rabri रबड़ी (Classic Indian Dessert) |
Shahi Tukda शाही टुकड़ा (Indian Bread Pudding) |
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